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Classes and small groups are designed to enable personal reflection and group sharing. We seek to create a community in which participants critically reflect on the topic at hand, but also pray, share, make self-discovery, and struggle towards integrating their learning into building prayerful lives of service, mercy, and advocacy.


Please see our weekly email or calendar of events for updated information.


Adult Ed

Park Slope United Methodist Church welcomes children preK-5th Grade for multi-age engaging Sunday school experience. Families do not need to be church members to participate in this free ministry (so we encourage you to invite a friend!). Sessions are multi-sensory and led by gifted, trained, and background checked teachers. 


Pre-School-5th grade students come to worship with their family. Following a children's message, they are invited downstairs for a Bible based lesson and activity. 

For more information, contact the church office.

Sunday School

On Sunday mornings during the school year, we offer free nursery care for babies and toddlers. Our dedicated staff provide a positive experience for your child while you worship. There are also family-friendly pews in the sanctuary with extra space if you prefer to have your little one with you. 

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